Istunka, also known as Dabshid, is a festival held annually in lower shabelle, specially Afgooye town Somalia on the Somali new year. The tournament was developed during the medieval Ajuran period, and was centralized in the 19th century under the Sultanate of the Geledi. Consisting of several teams engaging each other in mock combat, it is celebrated alongside other ceremonies such as Nowruz. During the reign of Sultan Ahmed Yusuf, separate teams were established, each supported by an assembly of poets, female vocalists and dance groups throughout the duration of the contest. In the modern era, the festival evolved into a local attraction; particularly during the 1970s and 80s. It is still practiced annually in the southern Afgooye town. The event itself consists of a mock fight between the people residing on each side of the river bed in the town of Afgooye, Symbolizing the defense of one's community and honor, it coincides with the start of the main ha...